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Name: Featherwish

Rank: Healer

Gender: Nonbinary (AFAB)

Age: 22 moons


Description: a medium-furred lynx point with blue eyes, wearing a blue bandanna


Technical Description: a medium-furred lynx point with blue eyes, with an oriental build, wearing a blue bandanna

Featherwish is rather quiet, more content to watch, follow or listen than take the lead, but is something occurs that they perceive as an injustice, they speak up and act. They are very protective of their friends and family, and are very gentle and kind. Featherwish is also one of the only cats to stand up for (and actively understand) Rainpaw, making them both very close friends. The looks and words exchanged about Rainpaw are one of the only things to fully make Featherwish mad.

Designed by Dia, found here

With an oriental build, Featherwish is long and slim, they have sleek fur, and though are not tall, they are longer than most cats. They have an elegant face, with a long jaw, and soft, feathery fur framing their face. Their paws are quite dainty, and they enjoy being clean.

Featherwish's fur has a soft grey tint, around the points, with soft stripes coming up over their darker fur. Their stripes are several shades darker grey than their points. They have soft grey-blue eyes, which often seem to see into the soul of the cat who converse them.

Featherwish wears a navy blue bandanna which has small snowflake decorations in white scattered across the surface of the fabric.



Doeleap (Levelled: No)

Featherwish and Doeleap and adoptive siblings; Doeleap's mother having adopted Featherwish after Featherwish's mother died in the fire that destroyed the original tribe. Initially, Doeleap was eager to have a younger sibling, but the relationship soon soured as she realized that Featherwish gained significantly more attention than herself. Featherwish was swiftly ignored be the fawn cat, however Featherwish still loved their 'big sister', and would attempt to follow their sister around camp. When Doeleap ran away, Featherwish felt abandoned, and grew afraid of others leaving them too, having lost both their birth parents as well. When Doeleap returned to the tribe, Featherwish felt slightly bitter. Doeleap, their sister, had left, and then returned, and attempted to pretend that the pair were best friends, and that everything was fine. Featherwish is still mostly ignoring Doeleap, as Doeleap is either incredibly brash, or sickly sweet to them, with no inbetween, causing several altercations between her and Stagtwist.









A DCAY of Featherwish, by ThunderCry04 on CS,

they can be found here

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